Saturday, October 25, 2008

Enemies ...

Most of the definitions which I went through and compared, the ones that match closest to what the characters perceived, their enemies were on the ideological grounds. Just like “An opposing military force” For Burmese it was the freedom call, to throw the intruders out to counter for what British were extending there roots of colonounism under the banner of imperialism around the world. Furthermore, Burmese people and George Orwell were “hostile group of people” on the same terrain, as opposing each others existence on ground and to unleash there agony. George Orwell was not alone in making enemies, the isolation made him lonely and frustrated. Is another enemy was Imperialistic Ideology, It made him divided and confused, unable toe perform his duties. As a result, The Burmese’s people were looked upon as his enemies.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Summer and Rafting !

As we were getting near, the fresh breezes were pushing me back, aroused me we had got near our location. The wild green aroma and the lush green belt along the lake side presented an exotic picture. The shiny surface of lake presented me a picture of shiny snow flakes witnessing the sunshine after a long winter. The water waves that were touching the lake side made me crave to enter the lake. We were there to enjoy our summer break, away from the mechanical world made of slavish rules; I just wanted to make my summer a memorable one.

As I was accompanied by my family and friends therefore the excitement was high is the air. While some were singing along at there highest pace, the rest were busy setting up the tents and placing the coals for Bar-B- Que. We all decided to go for a rafting; as I stepped into the water to push my raft ahead the cold water gave me a sudden adrenaline rush through out my body. I just knew that the fun is just about to begin.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mom and the D-DAY Sehri !

The weired tone of alarm forced me to open my eyes. Sun rays pierced through the darkness of the lonely night. Yet, Another front for the mom to save the day. Getting out of the bed looking for my slippers and planning for today's Menu is not that easy. I remember Hassan had asked for parthas and omelette's for sehri.Like every mouse knows its hole very well. The kitchen was my kingdom. Lighting the stove on and placing the frying pan was a child's play for me. This play was paused as I had to give a wake up call to Hassan, My beloved Son."Hassan ... ... Hassan ... Its time to see the sun rise and shine dear".

"Just five more minutes!" This was the reply I was expecting. It was usual I have been hearing this phrase for past few years now.

Getting the table ready and a waited D-DAY. Yes, a battlefield to ask Hassan to have a glass of milk. Hell use to break down between us on the milk issue. Seeing Hassan in front of me making faces and drinking the milk forcefully, reminded me of another issue his haircut. Then like an commanding officer asked him "When are you going to get a Hair cut?". With a grim smile, He escaped!.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Movie : Wellcome to Life ..

Take : 1

Lights Action Camera ....

Mongolian blood and fury runs in my veins and spirituality strengthens my inner soul. This is going to be all about me. I lost a lot of things in my life but learned on every turn and step, accepting each loss as a gift of experience. As John F. Kennedy once said “Forgive your enemies, but never, never forget their names”, I perceive it, as to forget the declining period of your life but never forget the reasons behind it. I achieved what I desired for and I don’t settle for the least I get. This is how I describe myself……..“Hassan Ahmed”.

The past 20 years of my life have been those of glory. I did eleven years of schooling from Habib Public School, than I moved to Summit Education System to complete my A levels. Now, I have ended up here, at SZABIST for my BS MS. The reason why I am studying Media is to become a renowned war journalist, so that one day you guys might be telling your kids “this guy on BBC was my class mate once”.Being the eldest in the family I have learned the art of dealing various situations and siblings too. My political perspective is that of a socialism, followed by a huge appetite for a large social circle. In addition to my other qualities, I am a person full of life, energy and positivity; those around me will definitely agree on that!

My message to this depressed world filled with violence, war and ignorance….

Don't take life too seriously. You'll never escape it alive anyway; don’t be a slave, be a rebel!